
Manufacturing of WTGS Equipment

Over 50 years of accumulation Unremitting pursuit of technological innovation and product quality,Possessing the most complete product lineage of doubly-fed WTGS in China,

Meeting the differentiated needs of products under different wind resource conditions


Investment and Operation of New Energy

Relying on the advantages of advanced new energy equipment manufacturing and new energy operation services, Windey has carried out independent or cooperative new energy investment and operation, conducted high-quality asset allocation, and formed a positive interaction of nurturing the industry with resource development and promoting resource development with the company's industry. Windey always adheres to the principle of unifying capital operation and value creation, exploring new blue ocean to achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals in the new energy industry.


EPC General Contracting

Windey relies on its technological advantages of over 50 years of deep cultivation in new energy, and combines its own experience in new energy station construction and operation management to provide customers with one-stop EPC customized services covering the entire process of survey, design, equipment procurement, engineering construction, financial services, and property rights trading. The company helps customers improve the efficiency of various stages of project construction and overall project revenue.


Solution to Energy Storage System

Based on the core and key requirements of "generation, transmission, distribution and utilization” for energy storage in electrical power system, Windey's energy storage system solution provides consumers with safer, more economical, efficient, and more friendly energy storage products, thereby assisting in the construction of China's new electrical power system and new energy system.


Integrated Energy Service

Integrated Energy Service
